It's in Every One of Us to
Make A Difference ...
If you think something good about someone, tell them about it!
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3-Easy Steps to Acknowledgment
You have the power make a difference by passing acknowledgment along and embracing those moments to speak up and recognize people who are making a difference in your life.
DUE TO THE POPULARITY & LONG-LIVED DURABILITY OF WRISTBANDs we are offering I Make A Difference® Acknowledgment Wristbands, which lends itself more affordably, easily and readily to the EVERYDAY experiences that unfold where we can be appreciating people in the moment as well as through public Recognition Events. Formal public event are great for acknowledging people, but in fact it is our wish that you NOT wait to recognize people who are making a difference in your life.
Do it NOW! The emotionally uplifting rewards are profound!
Simply wear 1 or 2 wristbands on your wrist every day to remember what a difference You make, and when the occasion presents itself to Acknowledge someone, simply slide your wristband off and give it to the person who has just made a difference in your life!
"The funny, almost selfish, thing about acknowledging someone, is that every time I do it, it actually makes me feel really great about myself!"
- Kimberly Neff, Twenty-Something Entrepreneur