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Acknowledgment Programs for Business, Education, Churches and Organizations

"I Am A Teacher" Movie Included in "Make A Difference Week" Programs

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I Am A Teacher Movie Instant Download plus Screen-Saver

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This is a higher-quality presentation, with higher-resolution photos and full stereo sound. Enjoy a peaceful escape from the every-day world, and renew hope in uncertain times.

chkHigh Definition Flash format
chkBeautiful full-screen image
chkPerfect for large screen, public event
chkWindows/Vista or MacIntosh Formats
chkFull Movie ScreenSaver for Windows
I Am A Teacher Movie and ScreensaverchkInstant Download

I Am A Teacher Print - by John Wayne "Jack" Schlatter

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For any Educational Professional anywhere, Jack's I Am A Teacher, a "love letter" to students, parents and other teachers everywhere,  gets to the heart of one of the most demanding and rewarding professions.

  • TWO SIZES: 8"x10" Print and 16"x20" Wall Poster
  • Perfect gift to acknowledge teachers everywhere.

Click to see I Am A Teacher Mini-Poster

Make A Difference with the Power of Connection Gift Book & DVD
for Professionals & Parents by Mary Robinson Reynolds

Click to read every page

The Little Book that Speaks Volumes: Rich Content that causes Instantaneous Positive Behavioral Change less than 30 seconds you can change a life for the better by Connecting with Compassion & Attention. Use these powerful stories for trainings & movies for public presentations. For all educators and parents, this book shows you the most effective ways to enjoy, and work with ALL children. The energy that you will feel is amazing. Also includes FREE DVD of The Connection Movie

Victim No More: Diffusing Bully Behavior UClick&Play™ Program
Mary Robinson Reynolds

Victim No More - UClick&Play

This is a 3 hour DO IT YOURSELF webinar training program with Mary as your trainer and coach, with 40 Slide Power Point Slideshow Presentation on a self-playing audio, for 1) the person who is on the receiving end of bully behavior, 2) the person who is a witness to bully behavior and wishes to intervene effectively, and 3) for the person who is currently locked into believing that if they don't "out-bully the bully" they will be annihilated emotionally and/or physically themselves.

Learn More

Academic Success 101 Online Course • Addresses Real-Life Issues
10-Session Online Course • Enriched Training Content • Take To Your Faculty & Staff

Academic Success 101 Online Course

This Online TRAINING Course GIVES YOU How To:
• Best Utilize the New Science: Quantum Mechanics & Field Theory • Build Positive, Motivated Teachers and Students • Reach and Teach ALL Students - Energetically Simplified • Succeed with Every Learning Challenged, Difficult, At-Risk Student & Adult • Engage ALL School-Age Children, Tweens & Teens in Their Own Learning • Empower ALL Students to THINK and Actively Contribute • Create a Safe Classroom Community • Elevate Student Voice: Enhance Participation, Citizenship, and Leadership • More...

Click to go to Subscribe Page

It's ALL about Making a Difference

In September of 1957, John Wayne "Jack" Schlatter entered a classroom and walked into his Life. He faced thirty students and saw his future filled with gifts. By 1985, the gifts from teaching were so many that he wrote "I Am A Teacher." Jack's goal in writing this eloquent heartfelt Acknowledgment of a Teacher's Life was to awaken a nation to how much Appreciation we owe to those who have gone before and those who are here now. However, it has turned into a Love Letter to all those who have blessed not only his life, but Life Itself ... Fast forward to 2011, when Mary Robinson Reynolds finally found Jack after several years of searching for him with the intention to put his collection of stories into flash movies. Together, as seasoned, successful educators, they have Teamed Up with movies, mini-posters, books and workshops to Make A World of Difference with what they know is possible within every one of us.

Watch "The Simple Gesture" Movie

Gifts by the Side of the Road
by John Wayne "Jack" Schlatter

Click to read every page
Filled with stories and poems
that will grab your heart
and not let go...

"Jack Schlatter is a charismatic, consummate communicator who will have you laughing through your tears as he squeezes your heart with timeless truths."
MARK VICTOR HANSEN, Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

"Do not pass up the opportunity to be entertained and inspired by this amazing human being."
JACK CANFIELD, Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

John Wayne "Jack" Schlatter, author of some of the most beloved stories' in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, now comes forth with his own collection of inspirational writings. Sharing lessons, insights, and humor gathered over 35 years in the classroom and as a member of one of the most amazing families in America, he will touch your heart, tickle your funny bone, and enrich your wisdom.

Have Mary Speak

It's in Every One of Us to
Make A Difference ...

If you think something good about someone, tell them about it!

Click Here to print out
3-Easy Steps to Acknowledgment

You have the power make a difference by passing acknowledgment along and embracing those moments to speak up and recognize people who are making a difference in your life.

DUE TO THE POPULARITY & LONG-LIVED DURABILITY OF WRISTBANDs we are offering I Make A Difference® Acknowledgment Wristbands, which lends itself more affordably, easily and readily to the EVERYDAY experiences that unfold where we can be appreciating people in the moment as well as through public Recognition Events. Formal public event are great for acknowledging people, but in fact it is our wish that you NOT wait to recognize people who are making a difference in your life.

Do it NOW! The emotionally uplifting rewards are profound!

Simply wear 1 or 2 wristbands on your wrist every day to remember what a difference You make, and when the occasion presents itself to Acknowledge someone, simply slide your wristband off and give it to the person who has just made a difference in your life!

"The funny, almost selfish, thing about acknowledging someone, is that every time I do it, it actually makes me feel really great about myself!"
- Kimberly Neff, Twenty-Something Entrepreneur